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Don't Get Stuck: Preventing Slide Out Problems in Your RV

by Staff Ashley and Brittany 1 year ago

Slide-outs are a popular feature on many RVs, providing extra space and comfort for campers. However, slide-out problems can be a frustrating and costly issue. Here are some tips to prevent RV slide-out problems:

Regular Maintenance: Like with anything that moves, slide-outs need some TLC. Keep an eye on the mechanism for wear, give those moving parts some lube, and check seals for any damage.

Leveling: Make sure your RV is on even ground before messing with slide-outs. Unlevel surfaces can cause issues with the mechanism. Leveling blocks or jacks will do the trick.

Avoid Overloading: Don't weigh down your slide-outs too much – it's just asking for trouble. Stick to the manufacturer's weight limits and spread the load evenly in your RV.

Keep Clean: A clean slide-out is a happy slide-out. Use mild soap and water to clean it up and check for any rust or corrosion while you're at it.

Use Slide-Out Supports: These handy supports help distribute the weight of your slide-out, which means less strain on the system. Just follow the manufacturer's guidelines and avoid using them on soft or wonky ground.

By keeping these tips in mind, you'll keep your RV slide-outs running smoothly for years to come. And remember, if you have any RV needs, don't hesitate to reach out to us here at RV Depot. wWere here to help!
